times gone by, India was known all over the world as a country of great
learning. There were several university towns and Agrahara villages that
anticipated the modern university campus. Great philosophers and scientists,
men like Aryabhatta and Nagarjuna flourished within a tradition of fiercely
independent intellectual inquiry. The world’s largest democracy is engaged in
the exciting task of preserving and enhancing this great tradition in its
contemporary temples of learning. The father of the Indian nation, Mahatma
Gandhi,emphasized that reducing human sufferingwas the noblest mission that any
individual or institution could pursue. This ideal inspired the timely creation
of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi. AIIMS, as it is
popularly known, epitomizes India's determination to provide standard health
care to all its people. The sheer volume of work provides the students an in-depth
clinical experience that is probably unparalleled in the world. It treats 1.5
million outpatients and 80,000 inpatientsand conducts 98,000 operations every
year. The interns may be exposed to as many as 3,000 open-heart surgeries
conducted annually as compared to 700 in an average medical college in the
United States. AIIMShas given support
and direction to the entire Indian medical community. It has emerged as an
institution where all the components of health care from bench research to
bedside care, from policy-making to program evaluation is geared towards
meeting the ultimate goal of eliminating human suffering.
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