In this lesson, we will learn how to
- Making sentences in the simple past using regular verbs
Regular Verbs are those verbs whose past form usually end in '–ed'.
For example:Change Changed Watch WatchedWe use the same past form for all subjects in the simple past tense.
For example:
I walked, He walked, She walked, I played,
He played, She Played, They played
We add ‘d’ to verbs ending in ‘e’ to form the simple past form.
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Dance Danced Agree Agreed Bake Baked Change Changed Like Liked Live Lived Hate Hated
We add ‘ied’ to verbs ending in ‘consonants + y’ to form the simple past form.
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Cry Cried Marry Married Copy Copied Fry Fried Worry WorriedWe don’t follow this rule for words ending with ‘vowel + y’ like pay, play, obey, destroy etc.
We add ‘ed’ to other regular verbs to form the simple past.
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Talk Talked Play Played Walk Walked Watch Watched Listen Listened Paint Painted Park Parked
Here is a list of commonly used regular verbs
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Accept Accepted Achieve Achieved Add Added Admire Admired Admit Admitted Adopt Adopted Advise Advised Agree Agreed Allow Allowed AnnounceAnnounced Appreciate Appreciated
Here is a list of commonly used regular verbs
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Bake Baked Beg Begged Behave Behaved Boil Boiled Borrow Borrowed Brush Brushed Bury Buried Call Called Challenge Challenged Change Changed CheatCheated
Here is a list of commonly used regular verbs
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Compare Compared Complain Complained Confess Confessed Construct Constructed Control Controlled Copy Copied Count Counted Create Created Cry CriedCycle Cycled Damage Damaged Dance Danced Deliver Delivered
Here is a list of commonly used regular verbs
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Employ Employed Encourage Encouraged Enjoy Enjoyed Establish Established Estimate Estimated Exercise Exercised Expand Expanded Explain Explained FryFried Gather Gathered Greet Greeted Guess Guessed Harass Harassed
Here is a list of commonly used regular verbs
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Interrupt Interrupted Introduce Introduced Irritate Irritated Joke Joked Jump Jumped Kick Kicked Kill Killed kiss Kissed Laugh Laughed Lie Lied Like LikedListen Listened Love Loved Measure Measured Move Moved
Here is a list of commonly used regular verbs
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Need Needed Obey Obeyed Offend Offended Offer Offered Open Opened Paint Painted Park Parked Phone Phoned Pick Picked Play Played Pray Prayed PrintPrinted Pull Pulled Punch Punched Punish Punished
Here is a list of commonly used regular verbs
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Question Questioned Race Raced Relax Relaxed Remember Remembered Reply Replied Retire Retired Return Returned Rub Rubbed Scold Scolded SelectSelected Smoke Smoked Snore Snored Stare Stared Study Studied Talk Talked
Here is a list of commonly used regular verbs
BASE FORM SIMPLE PAST Travel Travelled Trouble Troubled Type Typed Use Used Visit Visited Wait Waited Walk Walked Want Wanted Warn Warned Wink Winked Worry Worried YellYelled
Thank you
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